Amherst Tree Service Pros


Tree Cutting in Amherst N.S.

At Amherst Tree Service Pros, we take great pride in the quality of our work. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff have been providing exceptional services for many years. We guarantee customer satisfaction by utilizing modern techniques that maintain safety and ensure accuracy in each job we undertake. Our team comes prepared with the latest tools to complete any project quickly and efficiently while preserving the health of your trees and shrubs. Whether you need a few select branches trimmed or a more complex pruning job, we are more than happy to help! Contact us today to learn how we can simplify your tree maintenance needs!

Tree Care 

Our team of arborists offer quality tree care services that provide long-term benefits for your trees' health and appearance. Our expert technicians will assess your property and create a tailored plan to ensure your trees are well cared for throughout the year. From pruning to pest management, our experienced staff can help you keep your trees healthy and vibrant with our tree care services. Whether you need regular maintenance or emergency assistance, our professionals have the experience and expertise to get the job done right!

Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is essential in keeping your tree healthy and attractive. Trimming removes dead branches and helps promote new growth. Our team has the experience and skill necessary to make sure that your tree is trimmed properly and safely. Not only will this help protect the health of the tree, but it will also improve its appearance. It can be difficult to know how much should be trimmed off a tree, so let us do the hard work for you!

Tree Pruning

Pruning refers to selectively removing or cutting back certain parts of a tree or shrub in order to encourage better growth and shape. This process helps maintain a tree's form and structure as well as any desired aesthetic qualities. Pruning can also help prevent disease or pest infestations from taking hold in your trees. Our team has extensive experience pruning trees of all shapes and sizes—we guarantee great results!

Branch Removal

Sometimes it may be necessary to remove entire branches or sections from a tree if they have become damaged or diseased beyond repair. This can help keep your other plants safe from disease spread by infected branches, as well as make sure that your landscape looks neat and tidy. Our team is equipped with the tools necessary for safely removing large branches without damaging the rest of the tree or surrounding plants.


At Amherst Tree Service Pros, we believe that taking proper care of your trees is essential if you want them to last for years to come—and look great too! We offer a variety of tree cutting services in Amherst, N.S. including trimming, pruning, and branch removal—all at an affordable price point. Whether you need regular maintenance or just one-time service for a sickly branch, our experienced team can handle it all! Contact us today for more information on how we can help take care of your trees!


When To Call For Tree Cutting Services?

Tree cutting services should be called when pruning and trimming isn't enough to keep the trees around your home or business healthy and safe. Taking care of trees this way can prevent damage from storms, disease, or insects. If you're noticing that a tree is dead or damaging property, it's important to call our professional tree cutting service in Amherst, N.S. as soon as possible. We will quickly assess the situation and accurately determine if the tree needs to be removed and then take appropriate measures with minimum disruption. Let’s take a look at when you should call us for tree cutting services!

As you can see, there are numerous reasons why you may need our professional tree cutting services in Amherst N.S. Whether it’s due to storm damage, disease infestation, overgrowth issues, or just general maintenance needs, our tree cutting services have got you covered! Contact us today for more information about our services and let’s get started on restoring the beauty of your property!

  • If you notice any dead branches on your trees, you should contact us as soon as possible. Dead branches can be hazardous, as they can easily break off and fall on people or property below them. Even if the tree is not dead, damaged branches should still be removed before they cause any further damage or injury.
  • If your trees have become overgrown and are blocking out sunlight from other parts of your yard, you may want to consider having them trimmed down so that they take up less space while still providing shade and beauty to your property.
  • If your trees have been affected by disease or pests, such as borers or beetles, then you should call us right away so that we can assess the situation and determine the best course of action for preserving the health of your trees.
  • If any part of a tree has been damaged by lightning or windstorms, then it is important to get it inspected by a professional before attempting any kind of repair work yourself. It could be dangerous if not done properly!
  • Finally, if you simply want to give your trees some extra TLC with some pruning and trimming services then we would be more than happy to help!

The Difference Between Tree Cutting and Tree Removal

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between tree cutting and tree removal services in Amherst, N.S.? At Amherst Tree Service, we offer both of these services to help keep your property looking beautiful and safe for everyone. We are a full-service tree company in Amherst, N.S. and our experienced arborists are here to help you with all of your tree care needs. But what’s the difference between tree cutting and tree removal services? Below, we’ll explain the differences between our tree removal and tree cutting services in Amherst, N.S. so that you can make an informed decision about which service is right for you.

Tree Cutting Services

Tree cutting services involve trimming or pruning trees to ensure that they remain healthy, safe, and beautiful. Pruning is done for multiple reasons including removing dead branches to improve the overall health of the tree, reducing the risk of branch failure, mitigating storm damage, and making sure branches don’t interfere with power lines or other structures nearby. In addition to all these benefits, regular pruning also helps maintain the aesthetic value of your trees by improving their shape and appearance. 

Our tree cutting services involve trimming or pruning a tree to improve its appearance or health. We use specialized equipment to carefully remove dead or diseased branches while preserving the surrounding foliage and improving the overall shape of the tree. This type of service is beneficial when you want to ensure that your trees remain healthy throughout the changing seasons without taking away from their beauty.

Tree Removal Services

Tree removal is a more involved process than trimming or pruning, as it involves completely removing an entire tree from its location. This process may be necessary due to disease or damage caused by storms or insects –or even if it just simply isn’t wanted any more–which makes it important to have experienced professionals perform this task safely and efficiently. It’s also important that you have a plan for disposing of the debris once it’s been removed; we can help with that too! 

On the other hand, our tree removal services involve removing a dead or damaged tree from your property altogether. In some cases, as quickly as possible due to safety concerns such as falling branches. We have experienced arborists on staff who will assess the condition of your tree before determining if it needs to be cut down or removed completely from your property. This type of service is beneficial when you want complete peace of mind knowing that any potential hazards posed by a dead or damaged tree have been addressed safely and efficiently.

At Amherst Tree Service, we understand how important it is for you to keep your property looking beautiful and safe for everyone who visits it. That’s why we offer both our tree cutting and tree removal services in Amherst, N.S.. After all, you can make an informed decision about which service is right for you. If you’re interested in learning more about either of these services including our 
land clearing services, contact us today! Our knowledgeable team would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our process and provide an estimate for any work needed on your property. With years of experience in providing top-notch customer service, we guarantee satisfaction with all of our work! So don’t wait—contact us today!

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